Accepting Employee Resignation with Regret

Accepting Resignation with Regret

Dear [Employee name],

I received your resignation letter today and I have to say that I was really surprised.

I understand the reasons behind your decision but you must know that you are a very valuable member of this company and it would a great loss for us not to have you with us.

If there is anything that we can you do to keep you here, please do let us know, otherwise, we can only respect your wish and accept your resignation with great regret.

We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Best Regards

Accepting Resignation with Regret

Dear [Employee Name],

It is with great regret that I accept your resignation from your position as [Job Title] which you submitted earlier on [Date].

I appreciate the early notice and the effort that you put to hand over your responsibilities in a smooth and transparent way.

As per the company’s policies and our agreement, your last working day will be [Date].

We wish you the best of luck.

Best Regards

Accepting Resignation with Regret
Accepting Employee Resignation with Regret