Maternity Leave Letter

Maternity Leave Letter

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to formally request maternity leave from [start date] to [end date] in accordance with the company's maternity leave policy. I am expecting the birth of my child and would like to take the necessary time off to care for and bond with my newborn.

I have attached the required medical documentation confirming my pregnancy and the expected due date. I understand that [company name] may have specific procedures or forms that need to be completed, and I am more than willing to comply with any necessary requirements.

During my absence, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities. I have prepared detailed documentation outlining the status of my current projects, including their deadlines, key contacts, and any pending tasks. I will also be available for a handover meeting to discuss any outstanding matters and provide guidance to my colleagues, should it be deemed necessary.

I kindly request that you keep this matter confidential until I have had the opportunity to announce my pregnancy to my team and other colleagues. I intend to share the news in the coming weeks.

I am grateful for the support and understanding of the company during this important time in my life. Becoming a parent is a significant milestone, and I am committed to returning to work after my maternity leave fully rejuvenated and ready to contribute to the success of the team.

Please let me know if there is any additional information or documentation required to process my request. I will be more than happy to provide any further details necessary.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to discussing the next steps and planning for my maternity leave.


[Your Name]

Maternity Leave Letter